Death And Rebirth

Dramatic right?

Anyway, as the last week before the alpha build, this was an interesting sprint. The I didn't run into a ton of problems with any one thing,  but as far as new features, I Implemented a new ability 'Soul sight' which lets you see enemies through walls, as well as no trespassing zones, which cause AI to detect you faster in certain areas. Aside from that I Reworked how re-spawning worked on the back-end (just streamlining things to fix some bugs and and yield consistent behavior), and then made a respawn popup that tells you who you've spawned as and what time and day it is when you respawn. So that's on theme. Again I didn't have a ton of problems with any of these things, though trespassing zones gave me a little bit of an aneurism (i forgot to make my delegate bound functions UFUNCTIONS, and it took me way to long to figure that out), so most of my time this week was spent assisting others with various tasks, like the detection meter, town bell, and creating new weapons for Enemies. 

So, yeah, the main reason for the title, aside from the tangentially related death stuff I did, was that.... we decided to pivot our game into a completely new genre! We had a meeting and after discussing, determined that none of us were really happy with how the game was shaping up. We had issues with performance, and on top of that, this general sense that no matter how we tweaked things or added things, the game just didn't feel like it was coming together into a stealth game.  So after some further discussion, we have decided to pivot the game into something completely different, a survival crafting game, but set wholly within a giant indoor dungeon.  We plan to re-use 90% of the things we have already implemented, but with a new a focus. The game wont be about stealth, but instead of about exploration, gathering resources, and crafting stronger gear in order to brave more difficult areas and collect new resources. Combat will still be there, but wont be the focus in the same way. We will reveal more details in coming weeks, but overall we are feeling very optimistic a about he new direction of the game.

Here's video covering what I implemented, and  what some discussion of the new direction.

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