Unreal's Audio Sliders

When creating the options menu, I needed sliders for audio, and there was exactly that, a widget called Audio Slider. I threw them in and they looked cool because on the side, it displayed the decibles for that slider. After a bit of research, trial, and error, we learned that it couldn't work. We had to figure out what to do because I wanted sliders for the audio, but the current ones won't work.

Turns out, a widget that Unreal also has is just generic sliders. They look a bit different, but they will work the same. In the settings, we were able to set a min and a max for the slider, as well as where the slider is set. I still wanted the text next to it, but as a percent text of the audio volume instead of having it in decibles. I added a text box and sized it appropiatly to show 0% - 100% without issue. Putting functionality in that was much easier, but we had to do a bit more to also update the volume percent text.

(Before) Audio Sliders that won't work with our game.

(After) Regular Sliders with percentile text for the volume

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